HC Deb 19 July 1938 vol 338 cc2006-7W
Mr. Johnston

asked the Lord Advocate whether he is aware of the sentence of two months imprisonment, without the option of a fine, imposed upon a farm servant for securing a pair of boots, valued at 13s. 6d., from a shopkeeper in Lockerbie by means of false pretences, and that this sentence has been quashed by the Judiciary Appeal Court at Edinburgh as oppressive and an award of seven guineas for expenses made to the farm servant; and whether he can state who or what fund is called upon to meet the costs of this appeal?

The Lord Advocate

I have seen the report of these proceedings, which originated in the local police court in Lockerbie. Cases of this kind are regulated by Section 507 of the Burgh Police (Scotland) Act, 1892, under which provision is made for expenses falling upon the local rates.