HC Deb 06 July 1938 vol 338 cc405-6W
Mr. Creech Jones

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how many persons in each parish in Jamaica have been arrested by the police since the 1st January, 1937, in connection with strikes or other forms of disturbance; how many of such persons have been admitted to bail pending their being charged before any court; how many have been refused bail; how many have been released without further proceedings; how many have been charged, and with what offences, before courts of first instance; how many have been sentenced to penalties by such courts and in respect of what offences; how many have been discharged without conviction; how many have been committed for trial by higher courts and on what charges; how many on bail, how many without bail being granted; how have such cases been dealt with by higher courts, stating how many have been convicted and of what offences; and how many have been discharged as acquitted?

Mr. M. MacDonald

I have not the information asked for, nor do I think it would serve any useful purpose to ask the Government of Jamaica, with its many pressing preoccupations, for a return of this kind in advance of the general report on the disturbances, which will be rendered as soon as circumstances permit.