Miss Rathboneasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will make a statement as to the loan proposed to be made for the reconstruction of Czechoslovakia, of which the £100,000,000 already given or promised was described by him and by the Foreign Secretary as an advance for urgent needs; whether the final amount of the loan has now been fixed; and whether any part of this loan is likely to be available for the migration and settlement outside Czechoslovakia of refugees other than those who are now nationals of Czechoslovakia?
§ Captain WallaceDiscussions are at present taking place between His Majesty's Government and the French Government on the one hand and the Czechoslovak Government on the other hand. Pending the outcome of these discussions I am not in a position to make any statement on the matters referred to in the question. I may, however, say that His Majesty's Government agree that 2905W it is desirable that part of the financial assistance accorded to the Czechoslovak Government should be used to make adequate provision in foreign exchange for all refugees from Czechoslovakia emigrating to other countries.
Miss Rathboneasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that there are still in Czechoslovakia a large number of refugees of Sudeten German or German origin who cannot safely return to their country of origin who have not been permitted to opt for Czechoslovakian nationality, and for whom there is no prospect of permanent absorption in Czechoslovakia; and, since the problem of the migration of these refugees exceeds the resources of the voluntary refugee funds, will His Majesty's Government consider making some special provision for them by loan or otherwise?
§ Captain WallaceAs regards the first part of the question, I understand that there are a large number of refugees of German origin in Czechoslovakia who desire to emigrate to other countries, but the precise consequences of the German-Czechoslovak Optants Agreement of the 20th November last will not be clear until legislative or administrative effect has been given to it by the Czechoslovak Government. The second part of the question is, I think, covered by the reply to the hon. Member's last question.
Captain Cazaletasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what portion of the contemplated loan to Czechoslovakia has as yet been given; and whether any conditions as to its expenditure have been laid down?
§ Captain WallaceThe whole of the advance of £10,000,000 has been placed at the disposal of the Czechoslovak Government. The conditions as to its expenditure are being discussed with that Government, but I am not yet in a position to make any detailed statement. The question of the issue of a guaranteed loan is also under discussion with the Czechoslovak Government and no statement can be made pending the outcome of these discussions.