HC Deb 19 December 1938 vol 342 c2498W
Mr. Levy

asked the Minister of Agriculture what proportion of the home consumption of wheat, barley, oats, meat, bacon, eggs, and dairy produce is now being produced in this country compared with 1914?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

The following statement gives the estimated proportions of the total supplies of each of the commodities mentioned which were produced in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in the years 1936 and 1913, which are the years nearest to those mentioned for which such estimates have been made:

Percentage home produced.
Commodity. 1913. 1936.
Wheat 23 23
Barley 55 44
Oats 72 95
Beef and veal 53 52
Mutton and lamb 45 44
*Pigmeat 47 52
eggs 36 52
Butter 13 10
Cheese 24 30
Fresh milk for liquid consumption 100 100
* Comparative figures for bacon alone are not available.