HC Deb 19 December 1938 vol 342 cc2494-5W
Mr. Parker

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will state the number of vacancies for executive warrant officer, gunner, gunner (T), and boatswains, respectively, in the present financial year; the numbers so far promoted since 1st April; the number of candidates at present undergoing training and waiting to do so; whether the shortage of candidates still persists in any branch; and the number of retired officers re-employed in each branch?

Mr. Shakespeare

Based on the estimated requirements for officers up to 31St March, 1939, the following shortages of Active List gunners, gunners (T), and boatswains, exist at the moment:

Gunner Branch 45
Gunner (T) Branch 72
Boatswain Branch 15

The following shows (a) the promotions which have been made since 1st April, 1938, (b) the numbers of candidates at present undergoing training and (c) the numbers of candidates waiting to undergo training:

(a) (b) (c)
Gunners 26 48 22
Gunners (T) 32 16 13
Boatswains 1 16 47

The shortages in the gunner and boatswain branches have so far been overcome by the re-employment of retired officers, but notwithstanding such re-employment there is still a shortage in the gunner (T) branch.

The numbers of retired officers of these branches re-employed at present are as follow:

Gunner Branch 41
Gunner (T) Branch 30
Boatswain Branch 10

It will be seen from the above data that a shortage of candidates still persists in the gunner (T) branch. Immediate requirements in the other two branches will shortly be covered as courses are completed.