§ Sir R. Youngasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will state the number of engineer officers entered from public schools in 1937 and 1938; the number of commissions as engineer officers offered to university entrants and the number entered in those 1634W years; the number of commissions as sublieutenant (E) awarded to artificers in the same period; and, observing the number of commissions which have not been taken up by university graduates, the reasons why a larger number of commissions are not awarded to artificers instead of the number this year being less than last year?
§ Mr. ShakespeareThe number of engineer officers entered from the Special Entry examination in 1937 was 52 (including two who were transferred from the executive); the number in 1938 was 60. As regards the second part of the question I would refer the hon. Member to the replies given by the late First Lord on the 9th February and the 21st July last. Eight artificers were promoted to acting sub-lieutenant (E) in 1937 and seven in 1938. The number of promotions from the lower deck depends on the numbers recommended by the Selection Boards.
§ Sir R. Youngasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will state the number of engineer officers of commander's rank, cadet-entry and commissioned from artificers, in the zone for promotion to captain's rank; the number of promotions to be made on the 31st December, the ages of the two senior artificer-entry officers; and when the Admiralty intend to promote the first engineer commander commissioned from artificer, observing that these officers have a longer service and experience of engineering than their cadet contemporaries, and that three executive officers commissioned from the lower deck have been promoted to captain during the last five years?
§ Mr. ShakespeareEngineer Officers of Commander's rank in zone for promotion On 31st December, 1938:
Engineer Commanders and Commanders (E) (ex-Cadet) 38 Engineer Commanders (ex-Artificer) 11 It is proposed to make four promotions to Captain's rank in the Engineering Branch on 31st December, 1938.
The ages of the two Senior Engineer Commanders ex-Artificer are shown by the following dates of birth
7th June, 1889.
2nd August, 1889.
1635WThe first promotion to Captain's rank of an Engineer Commander commissioned from artificer will take place when one among those officers in the zone is considered by the Admiralty to be of merit equal to that of the ex-cadet officers promoted at that time.
The longer experience referred to is obtained in a mechanical training establishment of which the purpose is to produce craftsmen and neither this nor the subsequent time spent as artificer necessarily qualifies these officers for employment in the higher ranks of the Engineering Branch.
For the reply to the final part of the question I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given him by the late First Lord on 1st June, 1938.