§ Mr. Anstruther-Grayasked the Secretary of State for War whether he will
Grade. No. Rates of Pay (weekly except where shown otherwise). Scale of Annual Leave. Scale of Sick Leave on full pay in 12 months. Chief Dispenser … 1 £259 to £295 13s. a year* 18 days 156 days. Assistant Dispenser … 1 73s. 2d. to 82s. 6d.* 15 days 60 days, Radiographer and Masseur … 1 63s. 9d. to 73s. 2d.* 13 days 60 days. Surgeryman … 1 79s. 6d.† plus quarters 7 days 6o days. Orderly, Second Class … 2 73s. 6d.† 7 days None (except where reserved privileges apply). Orderly, Third Class … 4 70s.† 7 days None (except where reserved privileges apply). Labourer … 1 55s.† 47 days None (except where reserved privileges apply). Clerk, Grade III … 2 £75 to £320 a year* 24 days 156 days. Clerk, Grade IV … 1 62s. to 77s. 6d. 21 days 60 days. Except for the three last grades in the table the pay shown covers all time worked (save for extra pay, where admissible, for work on holidays and closed days), and the alternating system of duty necessary involves periodical attendance on seven days in some cases.
* Civil Service bonus, now consolidated, was formerly paid.
† Including industrial bonus at rate payable from 15th November, 1937, namely, 21s.
1426Wstate the number of commissions that have been granted in the searchlight units, Royal Engineers, Territorial Army, to individuals above the age of 31 years; and in how many cases have commissions been refused solely on account of applicants being above this age?
§ Sir V. WarrenderForty-nine candidates over the age of 31 years have been granted commissions in the searchlight units of the Royal Engineers, Territorial Army. I am unable to give the information asked for in the last part of the question as nomination for appointments to commissions rests with Officers Commanding units and Territorial Army Associations. It is not the practice of the War Office to reject a nomination solely on account of age.