HC Deb 08 November 1937 vol 328 c1433W
Mr. R. Robinson

asked the Home Secretary what special precautions are being prepared for the safety during air raids of the populations of seaside and other holiday resorts during the holiday seasons?

Mr. Lloyd

It is for the local authorities concerned to consider what special measures may be required for such visitors as may remain at holiday resorts, but the Home Office has been in touch wit:a the Hotel and Restaurant Association as to the precautions that can be taken in their premises.

Sir N. Grattan-Doyle

asked the Home Secretary whether he will state the progress that has been made with air raid precaution plans in the coastal areas of Northumberland and Durham?

Mr. Lloyd

One county borough in this area has formulated a scheme and it is understood that other local authorities in the area have schemes in course of preparation. An Inspector of the Department recently visited the area and a further visit has been arranged to be carried out in the next week or two. A Regional Inspector will be stationed at Newcastle-on-Tyne early in the new year, with the two counties as his area.