HC Deb 16 June 1937 vol 325 cc386-7W
Mr. Guy

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the names of the Government Departments employing photo printers, photostat printers, and the numbers of photo printers, photostat printers, etc., assistant photo printers and photostat printers, etc., employed in these Departments, showing the numbers of male and female employés of these grades?

Lieut.-Colonel Colville

Following is the information:

Department. Photo Printers and Photostat Printers. Assistant Photo Printers and Photostat Printers. Total.
Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female.
Admiralty (H.Q.) 11 1 6 17 1
Land Registry 3 3
Office of Works 9 6 5 15 5
Post Office 36 34 70
Principal Probate Registry 6 5 11
Register House, Edinburgh 7 3 3 10 3
Registrar-General (England and Wales). 1 1 2
Total 73 1 55 8 128 9
In addition a number of persons employed by the Admiralty (at outpost establishments), War Office, Air Ministry and Stationery Office, though not graded as Photo Printers or Photostat Printers, are engaged for the whole or part of their time on photoprinting processes.

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