HC Deb 29 July 1937 vol 326 cc3332-3W
Mr. R. Duckworth

asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to a growing practice, even among solicitors of high standing, of charging excessive fees and fines in the cases of houses whose occupation is governed by restrictive covenants, notwithstanding that for many years such premises have been let out in floors, well kept, and with no outside indication; and whether, in view of the difficulties of adapting this class of big houses in poor districts, he will submit the whole matter to the departmental committee considering the Rent Restrictions Acts with the object of suggesting means of dealing with this matter?

Sir K. Wood

The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. I am not clear what are the exact circumstances that my hon. Friend has in mind, but the matter does not appear to me as at present advised to fall within the terms of reference of the committee to which he refers.