HC Deb 29 July 1937 vol 326 c3324W
Sir D. Thomson

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he has considered the report made by the Northumberland district committee of investigation on the bunker-coal prices charged to Aberdeen trawlers; whether he will publish the report; and what action he proposes to take?

Captain Crookshank

The Committee of Investigation made two reports in this matter. Under the provisions of Section 5 (8) of the 1930 Act one report was to the District Executive Board of colliery owners and by law that report is a matter between that Board and the Committee. The other report, made under Section 5 (6) of the Act was to me. My statutory duty, in considering the report, is to consult the interests that appear to be affected, and as the report raises questions affecting all districts operating central control of sales schemes, I am in consultation with the Central Council of Colliery Owners with regard to it. I will consider at a later stage whether, in the interests of all parties, the reports should be published.