HC Deb 22 July 1937 vol 326 c2442W
Mr. Whiteley

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that the Unemployment Assistance Board refuse to make an allowance in the case of a wife separated from her husband although a maintenance order may be in operation, and that such practice places heavy responsibilities upon the public assistance committees; and whether he is prepared to have an inquiry with a view to some adjustment being made?

Mr. E. Brown

The board cannot, under the Act, include with the needs of the applicant the needs of a separated wife or any other person who is not a member of his household. As a matter of discretion, however, allowances are normally increased by the requisite sum to enable an applicant to continue to make any remittances to a separated wife which he was, in fact, making when in receipt of unemployment benefit. I am not aware that this policy places any undue burden on Public Assistance Authorities and I do not think there would be any advantage in holding a general inquiry. If, however, the hon. Member has some particular case or cases in mind I will be glad to bring them to the notice of the board.

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