HC Deb 20 July 1937 vol 326 cc1992-3W
Sir W. Davison

asked the Minister of Transport how many Acts of Parliament containing how many sections are at present in force dealing with the use of the roads and offences relating to such use; how many statutory orders and regulations have been made under the said Acts; and, in order that motorists and other users of the highway may inform themselves as to the said Acts and regulations, will he consider issuing them in consolidated form?

Mr. Burgin

So far as the ordinary road user is concerned, the principal Acts are the Road Transport Lighting Act, 1927, and the Road Traffic Acts of 1930 and 1934, but numerous provisions of the Highways Act of 1835 and the Town Police Clauses Act, 1847, remain upon the Statute Book. If an enumeration could be made of the Acts of Parliament relating to the use of the roads, and of the sections whereby offences have been created, it would give an entirely misleading impression, because so many affect only limited classes. I have already approached the local government associations in regard to the possibility of consolidating the highway law in England and Wales.

I am sending my bon. Friend a printed list of orders and regulations made by the Minister of Transport other than those of a local nature. Changing conditions necessitate amendments from time to time, but considerable progress has been made with consolidating the several codes and the matter is one which is being borne in mind.

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