HC Deb 20 July 1937 vol 326 cc1994-5W
Mr. Jenkins

asked the Minister of Agriculture, whether he can state the number of persons employed in agriculture in Monmouthshire for each year since 1926?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

The following statement gives the numbers of agricultural workers, including casual employés returned by occupiers of agricultural holdings over 1 acre in extent in Monmouthshire on the 4th June of each year from 1926 to 1936 inclusive.

Numbers of Agricultural workers in Monmouthshire:

Year. Number.
1926 5,140
1927 4,863
1928 5,014
1929 5,020
1930 4,600
1931 4,702
1932 4,610
1933 4,396
1934 4,164
1935 4,044
1936 3,773

NoTE.—The above figures exclude the occupier, his wife and domestic servants, but include relatives assisting in the work of the farm.