§ Mr. Croom-Johnsonasked the Secretary of State for War whether any and, if so, which of the following articles are now being issued as part equipment to the 11th Hussars and any other and which mechanised units, namely: spurs, clasp-knife for removing stones from horses' hooves, cavalry bandoliers, swords, sword-knots, sword-belts, riding-breeches, cavalry-putties, puttee-tapes, and lanyards; if so, with what object such issues are being made; and when it is intended to cease such issues?
§ Mr. Hore-BelishaThe whole question of uniform and personal equipment for soldiers of mechanised units is at present under review, and in the meantime all the articles of equipment mentioned are issued to mechanised cavalry regiments and cavalry armoured car regiments, including the 11th Hussars. The object of continuing such issues is to maintain uniformity of equipment until the new scales are introduced. The new scales will be published as soon as possible after certain trials have been completed.