§ Sir C. MacAndrewasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the population of each of the counties to the north of the Caledonian Canal at each census from 1894 to 1931, inclusive?
§ Mr. ElliotThe following table gives the information desired. The figures given for Inverness County—which is only partly north of the Canal—are those for the whole county. Separate figures for the portion of the county north of the Canal are not available.
any information in connection with the 1,500 summonses which have been taken out at the Ilford police court; if he is aware that among the defaulters there are a large number of tenants who pay an inclusive rent but the landlords refuse to pay the rates; and if he can state whether the Government intends bringing before Parliament a Bill to give power to local authorities to sue the landlord instead of the tenant where the tenant pays a rent inclusive of rates?
Mr. HudsonI presume that the hon. Member refers to the action taken against defaulters for rates by the Ilford Corporation. I have no information as to the numbers of the persons referred to in the second part of the question. As the hon. Member is aware, the occupier is in law responsible for the rates in the circumstances described, but I am advised that, 1197W under the law relating to the assessment and collection of rates, the occupier of a house let to him on a weekly, monthly or quarterly tenancy is entitled to deduct from the rent due or accruing due any general rate which he may pay, and every such payment is a valid discharge of the rent to the extent of the rate so paid. My right hon. Friend does not contemplate legislation to alter the law on this point.