§ Mr. Quibellasked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will state the price paid 2284W for imported malting barley for the years 1993, 1934, 1935, 1936 and 1937; the price paid for home-grown barley for the same period; and the yield per acre of home grown barley?
§ Mr. RamsbothamOfficial quotations for imported malting barley have been intermittent during the years 1933 to 1937, but an indication of the value of such barley can be obtained from the average declared value of United States of America barley, which is largely of malting grade. The following statement shows (a)the average declared value of imports of barley from the United States, with an addition of 10 per cent. to represent the import duty, (b)the average gazette price of homegrown barley of all grades, and (c) the average yield per acre of barley in England and Wales.
— Barley prices, per cwt. Average Yield, per acre. United States barley (a). Home-Grown barley (b). England and Wales. s. d. s. d. Cwts. 1933 7 0 7 11 11 16.8 1934 7 6 8 8 8 16.9 1935 7 6 7 11 11 16.6 1936 8 1 8 3 3 16.2 1937 11 11(c) 10 9(d) 14.0(c) (a) Declared value of imports +10 per cent. (b) As ascertained under the Corn Returns Act, 1882, and the Corn Sales Act, 1921. Includes barley for malting and feeding. (c) Ten months January to October. (d) Eleven months, January to November. (e) Provisional forecast at 1st October.