HC Deb 01 December 1937 vol 329 cc2093-4W
Mr. Grant-Ferris

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can make any statement with regard to the labour trouble in Jamaica and, in particular, the unrest amongst the banana porters employed in that place?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

I am informed by the Governor of Jamaica that there has been a certain amount of intermittent unrest in the parish of St. James and at one port in St. Mary where strikes have occurred. Agreements have beer reached between the employers and labour and the Government has been in close touch with all parties and with the situation throughout. Increases in wages have been given in the case of the banana labourers and as a result of the conciliatory attitude adopted by both sides, many of the difficulties which had arisen between employers and labourers have now been settled. There has been no disorder, and the situation at present is normal.