HC Deb 21 April 1937 vol 322 c1766W
Sir S. Herbert

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that Mr. Lambert Smith, owning two small shops at 171a and 166, Piccadilly, is at present assessed at over £40 per annum for water rate, i.e., over £20 for each shop, in which the staff, who do not live in, use one pail and one tea-kettle of water per day; and whether he will have inquiry made into the present system of water rating with a view of correcting such anomalies?

Sir K. Wood

The charges of the Metropolitan Water Board for the supply of water to shops and other premises are regulated by their special Acts of Parliament which give me no jurisdiction in the matter. I am not satisfied that any such special inquiry as is suggested by my hon. Friend is called for. General questions of water rating are within the scope of the Central Water Advisory Committee which I have recently appointed.