HC Deb 24 November 1936 vol 318 c239W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can give the figures of canned goods imports into Britain for the three years prior to, and since, the Ottawa agreements?


Precise information relating to the total imports of canned goods into this country is not available, but the following table shows, so far as the particulars are available from the trade returns, the declared value of the aggregate imports into the United Kingdom during the undermentioned years of meat, fish, condensed milk, fruit and unsweetened vegetables—tinned, canned, bottled or otherwise preserved in airtight containers.

Year. Declared Value.
1929 25,342
1930 24,823
1931 22,707
1933 16,995
1934 20,204
1935 19,404
Note.—The figures for 1935 are provisional.