HC Deb 19 May 1936 vol 312 cc1019-20W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Jibuti French-controlled railway is now being used for the transport of Italian troops and munitions?


I have no reason to believe that Italian troops and munitions are being landed at Jibuti. As regards that part of the railway which lies in Ethiopian territory now under Italian military control, I have no reliable information of any kind.


asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the shares in the Jibuti Railway, transferred from French to Italian ownership in January, 1935, carried any rights of management or control?


While I understand that the agreement of January, 1935, between France and Italy in regard to the Jibuti Railway involved the transfer to Italian interests of approximately one-sixteenth of the share capital, and the right to one seat on the board, I am not aware of the extent of participation in the management which this involves.