HC Deb 07 May 1936 vol 311 c1896W

asked the President of the Board of Trade how rates of pay, accommodation, food, and hours in the British mercantile marine compare with the Dutch marine service?


Monthly wages of able seamen and firemen on British foreign-going cargo vessels are £8 11s. and £9 1s., respectively. According to the latest available information the comparable Dutch rates, at current rates of exchange, are £10 19s. 8d. and £11 10s. 8d. Information to enable a comparison to be made regarding accommodation is not available, nor is any available about food in the Dutch marine service. I am sending my hon. Friend a copy of a Board of Trade Notice dealing with provisions for crews of British ships. As regards hours of labour, it is not possible to make a brief statement but I am sending my hon. Friend a copy of the current National Maritime Board Year Book on which are indicated references to hours of labour on British ships, and also a copy of a publication issued by the International Labour Office in 1929 which gives the latest available information regarding hours of labour in the Dutch marine service.

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