HC Deb 31 July 1936 vol 315 c1864W

asked the Minister of Transport, how many accidents have happened on level crossings during each of the past two years; in how many cases have the railway companies been required to erect bridges to replace level crossings; and how many bridges have been erected at level crossings as schemes of road improvements carried out by highway authorities in each of such years?


The total number of accidents, involving the movement of trains, at public road level crossings was 153 in 1934 and 134 in 1935. As regards the second part of the Question, no such requirement has been made. As regards the last part of the Question, four bridges have been erected during the past two years at railway crossings. In addition four other crossings, although not closed, can be avoided by through traffic by the use of bridges constructed on by-pass roads. Grants have also been made during the two years in respect of four other schemes which when completed will provide for bridges at railway crossings.