HC Deb 30 July 1936 vol 315 c1750W

asked the Minister of Labour the results of his consultations with the appropriate Departments as to the possibility of affording special opportunities of employment for unemployed men between the ages of 18 and 21 who have completed a course at an instructional centre and for whom the Commissioner for the Special Areas suggested employment for at least one year on works of public utility should be found?


I am happy to inform my hon. Friend that, largely as a result of the opportunities afforded by the general trade recovery, the number of men who have secured employment after a course at an instructional centre has increased substantially in recent months. I am continuing my consultations with the Departments concerned with a view to obtaining a full share of the employment on work under their control for young men from the centres. I may add that the percentage of men who secured employment after a course at an instructional centre has risen from an average of about 20 per cent. in 1935 to an average of nearly 30 per cent. in the first half of this year, and was about 44 per cent. in June last.