HC Deb 29 July 1936 vol 315 cc1540-1W

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether any steps have been taken to carry out changes and developments in the native administration organisation in Basutoland, in accordance with Sir Alan Pim's report, with the object of securing an effective system of indirect rule?

Marquess of HARTINGTON

The question is under consideration locally. My right hon. Friend has not yet received detailed proposals.


asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether steps are being taken to organise co-operative societies in Basutoland, in accordance with the suggestions made in paragraphs 314 and 315 of Sir Alan Pim's report?

Marquess of HARTINGTON

Sir Alan Pim's report expressed the opinion that the first stage in the direction of organising co-operative credit societies among the Basuto should be that of familiarising their minds with the idea of introducing progressive methods; that this would best be done by demonstrating the economic advantages to be obtained from co-operative working on improved methods; and that under Basutoland conditions these could be most effectively demonstrated by a new system of classifying and marketing wool. The local administration are in full agreement with these views, and assistance has been obtained from the Colonial Development Fund for the purpose of reorganising the method of marketing wool on the lines recommended in the report.


asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs what steps are being taken to give effect to the development proposals for the combating of erosion in Basutoland made in the report issued by Sir Alan Pim's Committee?

Marquess of HARTINGTON

Application has been made to the Colonial Development Advisory Committee for assistance from the Colonial Development Fund to carry out these proposals and the Committee have agreed to recommend that the desired assistance should be granted.

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