HL Deb 15 July 1936 vol 101 cc873-4WA

asked His Majesty's Government what was the amount in pounds sterling of the net Excise revenue of India for the years 1932–1933, 1933–1934, and 1934–1935 respectively; what was the recorded consumption of country spirits in 1934–1935 in Bengal, Madras, Bombay, Sind, Bihar and Orissa, the United Provinces, the Punjab, the Central Provinces and Berar, Assam and Burma respectively; what was the number of shops licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor, the net amount of Excise revenue, and the cost of Excise administration in each Province in 1929–1930 and 1934–1935; and what was the percentage of Excise revenue compared with the total revenue accruing to the Provincial Governments in each case for the year 1934–1935.


The figures are as follows:

1. Net Excise revenue of India (converted into sterling at 1s. 6d. per rupee):

Year. £
1932–33 11,168,278
1933–34 11,247,655
1934–35 11,285,615

2. Recorded consumption of country spirits in 1934–35:

(London) Proof Gallons.
Bengal 294,665
Madras 811,456
Bombay and Sind 1,061,545
Bihar and Orissa 613,342
United Provinces 477,893
*Central Provinces and Berar 317,820
Assam 134,471
*Calendar year 1934. † Not available.

3. Number of shops licensed for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor in each Province in 1929–30 and 1934–35:

1929–30. 1934–35.
Bengal 69,032 65,053
Madras 16,316 15,732
Bombay and Sind 6,657 3,993
Bihar and Orissa 11,964 14,677
United Provinces 4,102 4,257
Punjab 5,619
*Central Provinces and Berar 2,452 2,292
Assam 256 330
Burma 1,036
* Calendar years 1929 and 1934.
† Figures not available.

4. Net amount of Excise revenue and charges for collection of Excise revenue in each Province in the years 1929–30 and 1934–35 and percentage of net Excise revenue to total Provincial revenue in 1934–35:

Net Excise revenue Rs.lakhs. Cost of collection. Rs.lakhs.
Bengal 262.2 23.3
Madras 522.3 45.9
Bombay and Sind 407.9 44.6
Bihar and Orissa 190.8 18.4
United Provinces 130.4 13.3
Punjab 115.1 13.7
Central Provinces and Berar 125.4 11.5
Assam 66.2 9.2
Burma 126.9 22.7
North-West Frontier Province
Coorg 3.9 0.1
Shan States Federation 1.4 0.9

Net Excise revenue. Cost of colletion. Percentage of net Excise revenue to total Provincial revenue 1934–35.
Rs.lakhs. Rs.lakhs
Bengal 136.7 16.7 12.4
Madras 423.1 33.7 27.1
Bombay and Sind 343.0 45.1 24.0
Bihar and Orissa 139.4 16.5 25.5
United Provinces 133.8 11.4 11.8
Punjab 100.2 10.4 9.4
Central Provinces and Berar 58.8 9.3 13.3
Assam 32.1 5.0 14.8
Burma 85.1 17.6 9.2
North-West Frontier Province 9.0 0.7 5.4
Coorg 2.3 0.1 20.5
Shan States Federation 0.6 0.6 1.8

House adjourned at half-past seven o'clock.