HC Deb 03 July 1936 vol 314 cc756-7W
Lieut.-Commander FLETCHER

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what are the present plans for the settlement of Assyrians from Iraq; and whether, in view of the difficulties of settlement in the Ghab area, the possibility of settlement on the Khabur is being envisaged?


The Committee of the Council of the League which has this matter in hand is sitting this week at Geneva, and I would ask the hon. and gallant Member to await the report on the present position which the Committee is expected shortly to submit to the Council.

Date of Issue. Loan. When Repayable. London Issue Price. Present London Price.
1923 Austrian 6 per cent. Guaranteed Loan, 1923–43. 80 Paid off at 100 June, 1935
1924 Hungarian 7½ per cent. Reconstruction Loan, 1924. 1934–44 88 43
1924 Greek 7 per cent. Refugee Loan, 1924 … 1936–64 88 41
1925 Danzig 7 per cent. Mortgage Loan, 1925 … 1935–45 90 73
1926 Bulgarian 7 per cent. Settlement Loan, 1926. 1939–67 92 16
1927 Estonian 7 per cent. (Banking and Currency Reform) Loan, 1927. 1937–67 94½ 97½
1927 Free City of Danzig 6½ per cent (Tobacco Monopoly) Loan, 1927. 1937–47 91 66
1928 Greek 6 per cent. Stabilisation and Refugee Loan, 1928. 1938–68 91 34
1928 Bulgarian 7½ per cent. Stabilisation Loan, 1928. 1938–68 96 16

The issue price varied according to the different countries (and in some cases different rates of interest) in which various parts of the several loans were issued. The above figures give the issue price and present price of the London issue in each case. The total amount at present outstanding on these loans is approximately £41 millions, of which the amount of the London issues is approximately £26 millions. There is no British Government Guarantee involved for any of the outstanding loans.

As regards the liability of His Majesty's Government in respect of the

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