HC Deb 02 July 1936 vol 314 cc633-4W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the organised Arab community of Palestine will be permitted to lay a complaint of the conduct of affairs in that country before the Mandates Commission of the League of Nations; and whether the League of Nations will consider the question of withdrawing mandates from any Power whose administration creates dissatisfaction among the majority of the population under their control?


It is open to any of the inhabitants of Palestine either individually or collectively to address complaints to the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations, and it is the practice of His Majesty's Government to forward all such complaints and petitions when received by them for transmission. With regard to the second part of the question, I would remind the hon. Member that there are no provisions either in the Covenant or in the peace treaties or in the mandates relating to the withdrawal of a mandate from the Power to which it has been entrusted.


asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the number of Jews who settled in Palestine in 1935; and how many of these came from Germany, Poland, and Russia, respectively?


The number of Jewish immigrants registered in 1935 was 61,854. As regards countries of previous abode the numbers were:

Germany 8,630
Poland 27,843
Russia 641

The balance was made up by Jews from many other countries.

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