HC Deb 17 December 1936 vol 318 cc2657-9W

asked the Home Secretary whether, in view of the satisfactory working of the appeals tribunal in the Metropolitan police, he will consider extending similar facilities, by means of a short Act of Parliament, to the prison services, having regard to the many complaints made relating to prison administration on the staff side?


There is no need of legislation to give prison officers a right of appeal to the Secretary of State. They already have such a right. I know of no grounds for the suggestion in the last part of the question or for any suggestion that

Old Scale. Present Scale.
Deputy Superintendent £847—30—£953 £850—30—£1,000 as from 1st June, 1936.
Junior Deputy Superintendent £515—25—£738 £525—25—£800*
Medical Officer £515—25—£738 £525—25—£800†
Steward and Clerk of Accounts £515—18—£634 £585—18—£720
Chief Attendant (male) 111s. 1d —125s. 5d. a week 113s.—5s.—128s. as from 1st June, 1936.
Principal Attendants (male) 73s. 9d.—83s. 9d. a week 75s. 6d.—2s. 6d —88s.
Attendants (Male) 48s. 10d.—65s. 6d. a week 538.—1s. 6d.—60s. 6d.
After 5 years 67s. 11d. 2s.—73s.
After 5 years 70s. 3d. a week.
Chief Attendant (female) 81s. 3d.—88s. 9d. a week 83s. —2s. 6d.—90s. 6d.
Principal Attendants (female) 61s. 2d.—65s. 6d. a week 65s.—2s.—69s.
Attendants (female) 41s. 1d.—57s. 1d. a week 43s.—1s. 6d.—50s. 6d.
After 5 years 58s. 4d. a week 2s.—63s.
After 5 years 59s. 8d. a week
The attendants receive in addition to the cash payments free quarters or an allowance in lieu.
* Plus £50 within the scale for holder of a diploma in psychological medicine.
† Seconded from the Prison Service for duty in the Asylum.

the existing means of inquiry which are at the Home Secretary's disposal when considering any appeal are insufficient.


asked the Home Secretary whether, during the past two years, there has been any increase in the salary rates of the superior staff on the board of control responsible for the administration of Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum and the superior staff attached to Broad-moor; what was the increase for each official; if there has been an increase in the general remuneration for the uniform staff employed at Broadmoor; and what was the amount of the increase for each officer?


If by the board of control the hon. Member means the Council of Supervision appointed under Section 4 of the Criminal Lunatic Asylums Act, 1860, I would point out that members of the council undertake this public service without remuneration. As regards the staff, there has been no recent increase in the salary of the medical superintendent apart from the consolidation of pay and bonus which applied to all Government servants. During the present year there have been increases in the remuneration of the other medical officers and of the subordinate staff. The former and existing scales of pay are shown in the subjoined table. In the case of attendants (male and female) the maximum of the new scale is reached after 12 years as compared with 20 years under the old scale.