HC Deb 17 December 1936 vol 318 cc2652-3W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware of the complaints in Nyasaland regarding the exploitation, by the transporters, of Nyasaland natives travelling by motor lorry to Southern Rhodesia in quest of work and on the homeward journey; whether an inquiry has been made; and what steps will be taken to ensure the fair treatment in transit of emigrant labour?


This matter was referred to in the report of the Nyasaland Committee on Emigrant Labour. The hon. Member will see from that report that legislation had already been enacted in Nyasaland to regulate and control the carriage of passengers by motor in the Protectorate. The Government of Southern Rhodesia has now also passed legislation dealing with this matter.


asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what steps have been taken to prevent Nyasaland natives from being engaged for contract labour in the Union of South Africa; whether agreements are still in force with the London and Blantyre Supply Company, Limited, and with the Witwatersrand Native Labour Association for the supply of labourers from Nyasaland; and, if so, whether he will take steps to secure that the agreements are not renewed?


The engagement of Nyasaland natives for contract labour outside that Protectorate is prohibited except with the express permission of the Governor. The only licence at present granted and approved is that held by the London and Blantyre Company. This is due to expire next year and the question will then be considered whether it is in the interests of the natives of Nyasaland that further recruitment of contract labour should be permitted.