HC Deb 10 December 1936 vol 318 cc2171-2W

asked the Minister of Agriculture what was the total output of milk in England and Wales, including milk used for any purpose on farms for the years 1913, 1930 and each subsequent year, and the quantities consumed as liquid milk and used the manufacture for each year?

Year ended 30th September
1934. 1935. 1936 (a)
Sold for liquid conmsumption— Gallons. Gallons. Gallons.
(a) Under wholesale contracts 523,813,326 552,016,467 557,106,565
(b) By producer-retailers 109,970,885 113,248,897 110,000,000(b)
633,784,211 665,265,364 667,106,565
Sold for manufacture 192,623,561 301,689,001 342,444,967
Used for Cheese manufacture on farms 18,846,042 14,005,360 17,716,026
(a) Provisional (b) Estimate

The figure in this statement do not include milk consumed in farmers' households; milk used on farms for the manufacture of butter and cream; milk; milk sold by producers who are exempted from the


Excluding milk fed to livestock, of which no particulars are available, the estimated total quantities of milk produced in England and Wales in 1908 (no estimate having been made for the year 1913), and in the six years 1930–31 to 1935–36 have been as follow:

Million gallons.
1908 975
1930–31 (1st June—31st May) 1,263
1931–32 (1st June—31st May) 1,303
1932–33 (1st June—31st May) 1,349
1933–34 (1st June—31st May) 1,379
1934–35 (1st June—31st May) 1,399
1935–36 (1st June—31st May) 1,413

The figures for the years 1908 and 1930-31 were obtained in connection with the voluntary censuses of production carried out in those years, and the estimates for the years, and the estimates for the years 1931-32 to 1935-36 have been based upon the census of 1930-31, on the assumption that the average yield per cow has remained unaltered.

It was estimated in 1908 that of the total quantity of milk produced 664 million gallons were available for consumption as liquid milk, and 277 million gallons were used for manufacture, the balance of 34 million gallons representing waste or other loss. No comparable estimates have been made for 1930–31 or subsequent years, but the following particulars of milk sold for liquid consumption and for manufacture under the Milk Marketing Scheme have been supplied by the Milk Marketing Board for England and Wales:

provisions of the Milk Marketing Scheme; and tuberculin tested milk. This information is not collected by the Milk Marketing Board.