HC Deb 24 April 1936 vol 311 cc444-5W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will state the type and the localities of the specialised Employment Exchanges which exist under his Department to assist particular kinds of workers?


The Central London Building Trades Exchange at Tavistock Street, London, W.C.2, deals with employers and workpeople in the building and public works contracting trades. The exchange is assisted by an advisory committee composed of representatives of the chief employers' and workpeople's organisations in the building trades. This exchange deals with a large proportion of the building trade and public works vacancies in the Greater London area. At Denmark Street, London, W.C.2, the Hotel and Catering Trades Exchange deals with employers and staff in the hotel and catering trades. The exchange is assisted by an advisory committee consisting of leading members of the trade and representatives of employers' and employes' organisations. About 35,000 workers of all grades from managers and chefs to pages and kitchen porters, are placed annually through the agency of this exchange. At Great Marlborough Street, London, W.1, there is an exchange concerned solely with women and juveniles seeking employment in the West End of London. The vacancies dealt with are mainly in professional and secretarial occupations, and in the needle trades.

Outside London three special domestic employment offices have been established at Cardiff, Sunderland and Keswick (Cumberland). At these offices special efforts are made to direct the attention of unemployed women and girls in the district and in the adjacent "special areas," who are suitable for such work, to the opportunities for domestic employment available in other parts of the country, and to the free training they can obtain to fit them for such work, if they are inexperienced. In addition separate departments have been set up at the Employment Exchanges in Liverpool and Leeds to deal solely with vacancies for domestic workers.