HC Deb 08 April 1936 vol 310 c2790W

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether it is proposed to take advantage of the presence in this country next year of representatives of Dominion Governments for His Majesty's Coronation in order to hold an Imperial Conference; and whether the British Government have been in communication with the Governments of the Dominions as to the bearing of renewed trade agreements with foreign countries upon the proposed revision of the Ottawa agreements?

Marquess of HARTINGTON

As regards the first part of the question, we are hoping that it may be possible to arrange for an Imperial Conference to take place in London next year at the time of the Coronation, and communications on the subject are now passing with the Dominion Governments. As regards the second part, it is the practice of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to inform His Majesty's Governments in the Dominions when trade negotiations with foreign countries take place, so that they may have an opportunity of expressing their views if they think their interests affected.