HC Deb 02 April 1936 vol 310 cc2158-9W

asked the Home Secretary how many boys there are at present in the Northcotts (North London) school, Walthamstow, and the number for which it is certified; what is the area covered by the buildings and playground, respectively; is he satisfied that this space offers adequate facilities for recreation, games, and physical exercise; whether he is aware that the dining hall is heated only by an oil stove; and what plans are being made for replacing the existing buildings and playgrounds by more adequate premises for the education of children committed to the school for several years' training?


This school is certified for 85 boys but at the present time of pressure the Managers of Approved Schools are authorised to receive one or two more boys if they are satisfied that they can accommodate them, and the number of boys in this school on Monday last was 89. The area covered by the buildings is 2,780 square yards and by the grounds 5,286 square yards. The school is an old one and has fewer facilities for games than the modern school. It has an asphalted playground of 519 square yards, 1,765 square yards of garden used for games, 900 square yards used for garden plots, and facilities for obtaining pitches in playing fields in the district. In addition to this the Managers are converting a further 2,000 square yards of the garden for use for games. The dining hall is heated by two coal fires and hot water pipes. It is anticipated that the school will be closed during the course of next year when it will be replaced by a modern school which the Middlesex County Council are in process of providing.

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