HC Deb 29 May 1935 vol 302 cc1145-6W

asked the Minister of Health whether he will make inquiry into the case of a lady, Miss A. C.W., who, on 22nd July, 1932, was committed to West Park Mental Hospital from St. John's Infirmary, Battersea, the only allegation made in her certificate being that she stated that the police were the cause of her losing her job; that she thought they had put out their tongues at her, which she resented, and had pre vented her earning her living; and, in view of the frivolous nature of such grounds for certification, will he, take steps to ensure that a proper and complete investigation is made in all such cases before anyone is deprived of their liberty?


The medical certificates contain other facts besides those mentioned in the question; and the report of the medical superintendent of the mental hospital, made within a few days of the patient's admission, confirmed the view that she needed care and treatment. If the hon. Member desires, I shall be willing to communicate to him, confidentially, further particulars of this patient's mental condition. I cannot accept the suggestion implied in the last part of the question that a proper and complete investigation was not made in this case by the medical practitioner and the magistrate who dealt with it in accordance with the provisions of the Lunacy and Mental Treatment Acts.