HC Deb 22 May 1935 vol 302 cc357-8W
Captain A. EVANS

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has any information to give the House regarding the molestation by Nazi youths of the British Vice-Consul in Munich?


Yes, Sir. On19th May Mr. Phillips, the British Vice-Consul in Munich, was ordered by a German civilian to remove from his coat lapel an emblem he had bought from a street collector for a Roman Catholic charity. Mr. Phillips appealed to a, member of the Reichswehr to fetch the police, who invited both parties to visit the police station for the investigation of the matter. After his arrival at the police station, Mr. Phillips produced his identity card. The inspector in charge expressed his regret at the incident, and required the individual who had interfered with Mr. Phillips to tender an unreserved apology.