§ Sir R. GOWERasked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he will consider the desirability of granting a gratuity or bonus with the meritorious service medal which is awarded in certain cases to Admiralty industrial civil servants on retirement?
Sir B. EYRE. S MONSELLThe Imperial Service Medal is a decoration best owed by His Majesty under the statutes of the Imperial Service Order, a Civil Order of Distinction of which the Sovereign is head, and it would be in appropriate to associate a, monetary grant with it..
§ Sir R. GOWERasked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether in view of the present practice of regulating wages in His Majesty's dockyards according to the rates paid in outside establishments, it is proposed to make any increase in the pay of Admiralty industrial employés consequent upon the recent increase of 2s. per week awarded to employés in the ship building and engineering industries?
Sir B. EYRES MONSELLI assume that my hon. Friend refers to the two increases of 1s. per week each in the war bonus of adult male workers in the engineering industry, which become operative as from 13th May and 15th July. In the event of an application being made for the grant of similar increases to Admiralty industrial employés, the matter would have to be discussed by the appropriate body, namely, the Shipbuilding Trade Joint Council.