HC Deb 14 May 1935 vol 301 cc1554-5W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what were the quantities of each of the categories of hydrocarbon oils retained for home consumption during the year ended 31st March, 1935; and what were the net receipts of duty in respect thereof?


The quantities of each category of hydrocarbon oil retained for home consumption, and the respective net receipts of duty derived therefrom, during the year ended 31st March, 1935 (rounded off to the nearest thousand gallons or thousand pounds), were approximately as follows:

Approximate Quantity retained for Home Consumption. Net Receipts.
Light Oils (Customs). Gallons. £
Petroleum Spirit:
Motor Spirit 1,167,371,000 38,912,000
Other Spirit 19,539,000 651,000
Coal Tar Products:
Benzol 243,000 8,000
Naphtha 1,000
Other Sorts 1,000
Turpentine 4,636,000 155,000
Heavy oils for mixing with light oils 35,000 1,000
Other Hydrocarbon Oils. 25,000 1,000
Oil in Composite Articles. 137,000 5,000
Total 1,191,988,000 39,733,000
Deduct Net Amount paid to Isle of Man (a) 38,000
Net Receipts 39,695,000
Heavy Oils:
Excise:—Taxed Stocks on 25th April, 1933 (b) 705,000 3,000
Petroleum Oil:
Crude Oil 1,880,000 8,000
Lamp Oil 190,499,000 794,000
Lubricating Oil 91,630,000 382,000
Gas Oil 73,593,000 307,000
Fuel Oil 256,824,000 1,070,000
Other Sorts 6,848,000 28,000
Coal Tar Products 102,000
Other Oils 178,000 1,000
Oil in Composite Articles 2,983,000 12,000
Total Customs 624,537,000 2,602,000
Total Customs and Excise. 625,242,000 2,605,000
Grand Total Net Receipts 42,300,000
(a) Estimated difference between amounts collected in, and allocated to, the Isle of Man.
(b) Details under the various descriptions are not available. The figures are in respect of payments during the year ended 31st March, 1935.