HC Deb 13 May 1935 vol 301 cc1380-3W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will give a table of figures for 10 years to the latest available date which will show approximately the average number of insured persons, the number employed, the number unemployed,

Year Estimated Average Number of Insured Persons, aged 16–64, in Great Britain. Average Number of Insured Persons, aged 16–64, recorded as unemployed in Great Britain. Estimated average number in Employment after allowance for Sickness, etc.—(A) including persons directly involved in Trade Disputes; (B) excluding such persons. Number of new Entrants into Unemployment Insurance during Year. (Great Britain). Outward or Inward Balance of British and Alien Passengers during Year.§
A. B. Net Outward Balance. Net Inward Balance.
1924 11,073 1,125 9,560 9,526 75,018
1925 11,272 1,236 9,642 9,611 923,340 83,950
1926 11,423 1,401 9,623 9,062 827,286 115,989
1927 11,529 1,108 10,018 10,015 850,493 75,444
1928 11,667 1,235 10,023 10,019 809,332 58,381
1929 11,850 1,212 10,223 10,220 820,549 63,345
1930 12,149 1,915 9,809 9,797 792,248 7,511
1931 12,504 2,630 9,437 9,421 737,499 85,010
1932 12,562 2,756 9,367 9,348 696,410 68,810
1933 12,622 2,496 9,684 9,681 667,025 40,752
1934 12,690* 2,107 10,139 10,136 42,147
Jan.-March 12,728* 2,165 10,117 10,111 9,300║
April¶ 12,735* 1,962 10,327 10,320
* Provisional figures.
† Owing to the extension of unemployment insurance, as from 3rd September, 1934, so as to include juveniles under 16 years of age, figures of new entrants comparable with those for earlier years are not available for dates subsequent to August, 1934. Between 1st January and 31st August, 1934, the number of new entrants aged 16–64 was 455,000, as compared with 441,000 in the period 1st January to 31st August, 1933.
‡ Figures not available.
§ The figures relate to Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but excluding the movement to and from the Irish Free State. Separate figures for Great Britain are not available.
║ Approximate figure.
¶ The figures for April, 1935, relate to the numbers at 15th April.


asked the Minister of Labour whether he will indicate the course of employment in the city of Leicester by industries, numbers, and percentages, respectively, during the six months ended 30th April, 1935, or nearest convenient date?

employed, and the extent to which these figures are affected by new entrants and by the emigration and immigration figures?


These figures, so far as available, are given in the following table:


The available figures relate to the area served by the Leicester Employment Exchange and Juvenile Employment Bureau. The following table gives the information desired for this area:

Estimated numbers of insured persons, aged 16 to 64, at July, 1934, in the principal industries at Leicester, and the numbers and percentages of such persons recorded as unemployed at monthly dates since November, 1934.
Industry. Estimated number of insured persons aged 16–64 at July, 1934. Number of insured persons, aged 16–64 recorded as unemployed, and percentage of estimated number insured at July, 1934.
26th Nov., 1934. 17th Dec., 1934. 28th Jan., 1935. 25th Feb., 1935. 25th March, 1935. 15th April, 1935.
Building 6,870 Number 712 645 833 742 531 517
Per cent. 10.4 9.4 12.1 10.8 7.7 7.5
General Engineering, etc. 8,980 Number 372 358 431 391 384 336
Per cent. 4.1 4.0 4.8 4.4 4.3 3.7
Printing, Publishing and Bookbinding. 3,210 Number 178 170 210 201 187 167
Per cent. 5.5 5.3 6.5 6.3 5.8 5.2
Hosiery 30,910 Number 1,834 3,669 5,250 5,048 4,243 4,183
Per cent. 5.9 11.9 17.0 16.3 13.7 13.5
Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Clogs. 20,680 Number 3,559 4,319 3,304 2,784 2,392 2,271
Per cent. 17.2 20.9 16.0 13.5 11.6 11.0
Distributive Trades. 13,820 Number 937 929 1,062 1,099 1,036 1,006
Per cent. 6.8 6.7 7.7 8.0 7.5 7.3
All other industries and services. 35,240 Number 3,245 3,508 4,744 4,411 4,057 3,854
Per cent. 9.2 10.0 13.5 12.5 11.5 10.9
Total all industries and services. 119,710 Number 10,837 13,598 15,834 14,676 12,830 12,334
Per cent. 9.1 11.4 13.2 12.3 10.7 10.3