HC Deb 06 March 1935 vol 298 cc1950-1W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the number of boy naval recruits for the year ended 31st December, 1934, whose applications were accepted compared to those rejected; and the reasons given by His Majesty's medical advisers to the Admiralty for such rejections?


The total number of applications was 13,894, and the number required and entered was 3,063. Of those who were not entered, the number rejected on medical examination was 1,940. The list of reasons for the medical rejections is appended. Defective vision and defective teeth accounted for considerably over half the number.

Under standard 51
Poor physique 61
Disease of heart (organic) 11
Disease of heart (functional) 88
Tachycardia 6
Defective vision 558
Defective colour vision 272
Defective teeth 261
Defective speech 10
Disease of skin 12
Disease of ears 74
Disease of eyes 3
Disease of lungs 3
Disease of glands 6
Hernia 29
Flat feet 70
Knock knees 70
Varicose veins 16
Pyorrhoea 13
Enlarged tonsils 102
Phimosis 28
Bronchitis 14
Hammer toes 13
Old operations 2
Old injuries 7
Deformities 26
Spinal curvature 8
Undescended testicle 5
Hydrocele 11
Varicocele 33
Incontinence of urine 10
Haemorrhoids 2
Albuminuria 23
Other defects 42
Total 1,940

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