HC Deb 26 June 1935 vol 303 c1118W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in order to calculate the total cost to the Exchequer of the beet-sugar subsidy, he will give separate figures for the amount represented by the preference in respect of Excise Duty and the amount of the direct contribution, respectively?


As stated in the Memorandum on the British Sugar (Subsidy) Financial Resolution (Command Paper 4922), the amount of subsidy payable under the Bill to be founded on the Resolution in respect of the 1935–36 campaign is estimated at about £2,750,000. The amount to be received by the industry in rebate of taxation for the same period, representing the difference between the amount of duty payable on sugar manufactured in this country from home-grown beet and the amount which would have been received had duty been charged on a similar quantity of British refined sugar of foreign origin, is estimated provisionally at £2,900,000.