HL Deb 31 July 1935 vol 98 c1014WA

It is not desirable in the national interest to furnish information as to the quantities of oil fuel consumed by the British Navy. The annual requirements of light oils are 6,300 tons. It is not possible accurately to specify the amount of oil produced in the British Isles but only a very small proportion comes from British coal and shale.

Description. Annual requirements. Derived from Home Sources.
Tons. Tons.
Heavy fuel oil 713* Nil.
Light Diesel or semi-fuel oil. 1,820 Nil.
Diesel oil 125 Nil.
Gas oil 192 Nil.
Kerosene 700 19½
Mineral burning oil. 50 Nil.
White spirit 50 Nil.
Motor spirit (petrol). 5,700 A proportion not definitely known but probably not exceeding 150 tons.
Motor spirit (petrol-benzol mixture). 560 160 representing the benzol content.
Benzol 20 20
* Includes 600 tons obtained from Admiralty

Description. Derived from (a) low temperature carbonisation plants, (b) gas and coke ovens and (c) shale oil mines in the United Kingdom.
(a) (b) (c)
Heavy fuel oil Nil Nil Nil
Light Diesel or semi-fuel oil. Nil Nil Nil
Diesel oil Nil Nil Nil
Gas oil Nil Nil Nil
Kerosene Nil Nil 19½
Mineral burning oil Nil Nil Nil
White spirit Nil Nil Nil
Motor spirit (petrol) Not known. Not known. Not exceeding 150
Motor spirit (petrol-benzol mixture). Nil 160
Benzol 20

During recent years quantities of fuel oil and motor spirit derived from low-temperature carbonisation plants or produced by the hydrogenation process have been purchased.