HC Deb 26 February 1935 vol 298 cc968-9W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the names of the members of the Tin Production Regulation Committee at the time of the negotiations for the restriction scheme; the date of approval by the Colonial Office of such scheme; and the names at such date of the members of the Tin Production Regulation Committee?


No Tin Production Regulation Committee was constituted before the scheme was adopted. The following persons were invited by Lord Passfield to attend the meeting at the Colonial Office on 27th February, 1931, at which the details of the scheme were provisionally agreed:

  • Sir John Campbell (Chairman).
  • Senor Antenor Patino and Senor R. Martinez Vargas (representing Bolivia).
  • Messieurs A. Groothoff, F. Houwert and J. van den Broek (representing the Netherlands East Indies).
  • Mr. H. W. Thomson (representing the Malay States).
  • Sir Frank Baddeley (representing Nigeria).

The following were invited to attend in an advisory capacity:

  • Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister.
  • Mr. J. Howeson.
  • Mr. G. V. Stephens and Mr. H. Waugh (representing the Tin Producers' Association).
  • Sir Richard Redmayne (Chairman of Advisory Council, Mineral Resources Department, Imperial Institute). Mr. K. M. Lazarus.
  • Mr. W. D. Ellis, Mr. J. A. Calder, and Mr. A. L. Ayton (Colonial Office).

The scheme was subsequently approved and adopted by the various Governments, and the International Tin Committee was constituted as follows:

As Governmental representatives, the gentlemen invited to represent Governments at the meeting of 27th February, with the addition of Senor A. R. Ovando to the Bolivian Delegation and Mr. J. A. Calder to the Nigerian Delegation. (Sir John Campbell was appointed a member of both the Malayan and the Nigerian Delegations).

As advisers to the Malayan and Nigerian Delegations, Sir Richard Redmayne, Mr. K. M. Lazarus, and as representatives of the Tin Producers' Association, Messrs. Howeson, Stephens and Waugh.

As adviser to the Bolivian Delegation, Mr. E. V. Pearce.

As adviser to the Netherlands East Indian Delegation, Mr. J. H. van den Ketwich.