HC Deb 19 December 1935 vol 307 c2001W
Lieut.-Colonel MOORE

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is yet in a position to state the terms of reference and personnel of the committee of inquiry set up to examine the marriage law of Scotland?


Yes, Sir. The committee has now been appointed. The terms of reference are:

"To enquire into and report upon the law of Scotland relating to the constitution of marriage and to recommend what changes, if any, are desirable."

The members of the committee are as follow:

The Right Hon. Lord Morison (Chairman).

The Right Hon. William Adamson, LL.D.

Mrs. Thomas Johnston.

Bailie Mrs. Jean Roberts.

The Right Hon. Lord Rowallan, M.C.

J. C. Scott, Esq., S.S.C.

Mrs. Shaw, M.B.E., J.P.

Mr. R. H. Sherwood Calver, Advocate, has been appointed secretary of the committee.

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