HC Deb 12 December 1935 vol 307 cc1150-1W

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will state the number of cinematograph films that have been made by the Ministry during the last five years and the subject of these films; and whether there are any in the course of production at present?


The following statement gives the information desired by the hon. Member:

whether, under international law, Japan is entitled to continue to enjoy her trading rights in mandated territories as when a member of the League of Nations?


Japan, having ceased to be a member of the League of Nations, has no legal right to claim equality of treatment in commercial matters in mandated territories under the provisions of the mandates. On the other hand at the present time the Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty of 1911 extends to certain of the mandated territories administered by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and by virtue of that Treaty, Japan possesses most-favoured-nation rights on a reciprocity basis as long as these extensions remain in force.