HC Deb 14 November 1934 vol 293 cc1971-2W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office the name of the person or persons who gave the Territorial Drill Hall at Plymouth recently to Sir Oswald Mosley for a Fascist demonstration; if he is aware that two halls in the area were refused; the date of the application for the Territorial Hall and when it was granted; if he is aware that a condition of granting this hall has always been that 14 days' notice must be received; that the hall was being used by a sports organisation on this evening and no notice of cancellation had been sent to the secretary and that the Independent Labour party and the Communist party of Great Britain had been previously refused the use of this hall?


The Drill Hall was let under the authority of the local Territorial Army Association; I cannot say whether applications were made to other halls. The application for the Territorial Army Association Hall was made on 3rd October, and finally accepted, when certain conditions as regards insurance had been fulfilled, on 5th October. There is no condition as to 14 days' notice. The sports clubs who use the hall on Fridays, if it is not let for other purposes, were informed on 4th October. The last occasion on which the Independent Labour party applied to use the hall was on 7th March, 1931, but the hall had been already let for an exhibition lasting from the 4th to the 25th of that month. No application from the Communist party is traced at any date.