HC Deb 14 November 1934 vol 293 c1982W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the amounts payable in the year 1934 in respect of Income Tax, Sur-tax, and insurance to cover Death Duties, in the case of a married man aged 45 years with three children with an income of £5,000, £10,000, £25,000, and £50,000, respectively, in a case where the taxpayer derives all his income from investments and in a case where half the income is derived from earnings and half from investments?


The following table shows for the year 1934–35 the Income Tax and Sur-tax payable on the incomes in question together with the net annual payment required to meet the Estate Duty on death. The table is on the basis laid down in their report by the Colwyn Committee on National Debt and Expenditure, investment income being capitalised on a 5 per cent. basis and the taxpayer being assumed to be a married man, aged 45, with three children.


The position is as it was when my right hon. Friend answered my hon. Friend's question of 11th June. There is no evidence that the placing of the lights has contributed in any way to an accident, but if my hon. Friend has information to the contrary, I shall be happy to make further inquiries.