§ Mr. N. MACLEAN,asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) the number of sane poor and their dependants in receipt of Poor Law relief in Dumbartonshire at 15th September in 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, and 1934, giving totals of male and female recipients, separately, and dependant wives and children, separately. (2) the number of sane poor and their dependants in receipt of Poor Law relief in Lanarkshire (excluding Glasgow) at 15th September in 1920, 1931, 1932, 1933, and 1934, giving totals of male and female recipients, separately, and dependant wives and children separately. (3) the number of sane poor and their dependants in receipt of Poor Law relief in Renfrewshire at 15th September in 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1934, giving totals of male and female recipients separately and dependant wives and children separately. (4) the number of sane poor and their dependants in receipt of Poor Law relief in Glasgow at 15th September 1428W in 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, and 1934, giving totals of male and female recipients separately and dependant wives and children separately. (5) the number of destitute able-bodied unemployed persons and their dependants who were in receipt of relief in Lanarkshire (excluding Glasgow), at the 15th September, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, and 1934, giving totals of male and female recipients separately, and dependant wives and children separately. (6) the number of destitute able-bodied unemployed persons and their dependants who were in receipt of relief in Renfrewshire at 15th September, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, and 1934, giving totals of male and female recipients separately, and dependant wives and children separately. (7) the number of destitute able-bodied unemployed persons and their dependants, who were in receipt of relief in Dumbartonshire at 15th September, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, and 1934, giving totals of male and female recipients, separately, and dependant wives and children separately. (8) the number of destitute able-bodied unemployed persons and their dependants who were in receipt of relief in Glasgow at 15th September, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, and 1934, giving totals of male and,female recipients separately and dependant wives and children separately.
§ Sir G. COLLINSI am sending the hon. Member a statement which contains the desired information.