HC Deb 14 May 1934 vol 289 cc1468-70W

asked the Home Secretary whether in view of the numbers of coloured men stowing away in ports in the British Colonies in order to find work in this country, he is able to state whether, after their periods of imprisonment have treminated, they are sent back home or whether they remain in this country as a charge to the ratepayers?


There is no evidence that any considerable number of coloured persons arrive in the United Kingdom as stowawys. If a stowaway is an[...] the owners master of the ship on which be arrived are required to remove him from tile United Kingdom

Total Area of Arable Land and the number of Workers* employed on agricultural Wildings above I acre in extent in England and Wales in June in each of the years 1927, 1929, 1931 and 1933.
—— 1927. 1929. 1931. 1933.
Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres.
Arable Land 10,310,087 9,947,758 9,582,428 9,249,886
No. No. No. No.
Regular Workers 649,702 643,977 616,307 595,711
Casual Workers 124,747 126,275 100,300 119,835
Total Workers 774,449 770,252 716,607 715,546
*Excluding the occupier, his wife and domestic servants.

either at once or on the expiration of any sentence which he may receive.