HC Deb 14 May 1934 vol 289 c1466W



asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that the railway rates granted for the carriage of potatoes for Messrs. Woolworth from Lincolnshire are approximately one-tenth of those charged to competing smaller traders, and that when the recent application of this firm was considered by the tribunal objections were lodged without effect by the Mining Association of Great Britain, the National Chamber of Trade, the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Fruit and Potato Traders' Associations, the Traders' Co-ordinating Committee, the National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers, and the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce; and whether, in view of the dissatisfaction to which these arrangements are giving rise, he will take steps to introduce amending legislation?


I am aware that the Railway Rates Tribunal has recently approved an agreement made in pursuance of Section 37 of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, between the railway companies and Messrs. Woolworth with regard to the charges for the conveyance of the firm's traffic generally. The agreement was approved after a prolonged public hearing at which objectors were fully heard, and if my hon. Friend will study the recent judgment of the Tribunal he will see that they were satisfied that the facts of the case do not justify the assumption on which his question is based. I see no reason for amending the Act, which was passed so recently as last Session.